
part of Common Lisp Interface Manager (CLIM) by Jason Kantz


  • How are commands associated with a presentation?


  • Introduction to CLIM Commands
  • Command Objects
  • Conceptual Overview of Presentation Translators
  • define-presentation-to-command-translator [Macro]

    Command Tables

    When you make an application frame you can specify a command table and a command definer.

    (define-application-frame word ()
    (:command-table word-command-table)
    (:command-definer define-word-command)

    Command definers have the same args as define-command except you don't have to specify a command table:

    define-command name arguments &body body

    For example ...

    (define-word-command (com-print		; name
    		      :name "Print"
    		      :keystroke (:p :control)
    		      :menu "Print Document")
        ((document				; argument
          (or memo outline)			; presentation-type
          :documentation "Print the current document")) ; keyword-value pairs
      (print document))				; body

    Associating Output with Commands

    Below is an example of using present in combination with command-translators. This code will print nodes of a tree at a certain level starting at the root. It demonstrates how to associate the two commands com-tree-up and com-tree-down with the presentation of nodes.

    (in-package :clim-user)
    ;;; Basic node representation
    (defclass node ()
      ((id :accessor id :initarg :id :initform nil)
       (parent :accessor parent :initarg :parent :initform nil)
       (children :accessor children :initarg :children :initform nil)))
    (define-presentation-method present (node (type node) stream (view textual-view) &key)
      (format stream "~%     ~A" (id node)))
    (defun rootp (node) (not (parent node)))
    (defmethod add-child ((parent node) (child node))
      (pushnew child (children parent))
      (setf (parent child) parent))
    (defun multiply (node &key (multiple 3))
      (if (children node)
          (dolist (n (children node)) (multiply n))
          (dotimes (x multiple) 
    	(add-child node (make-instance 'node
    			  :id (format nil "~A.~A" (id node) (- multiple x)))))))
    ;;; The application frame and the pane display function
    (define-application-frame tree () ()
      (:panes (pane-tree 
    	   :application :scroll-bars nil
    	   :display-function #'display-tree
    	   :initial-cursor-visibility nil
    	   :display-after-commands nil))
      (:layouts (:default pane-tree)))
    (defmethod display-tree ((frame tree) stream) 
      (let ((node (make-instance 'node :id "N")))
        (dotimes (x 5) (multiply node))
        (present node 'node :stream stream)))
    (define-tree-command com-clear () 
      (window-clear (get-frame-pane *application-frame* 'pane-tree)))
    ;;; Two comands for moving up and down the tree
    (define-tree-command com-tree-up ((node 'node))
      (let ((stream (get-frame-pane *application-frame* 'pane-tree)))
        (cond ((rootp node))
    	  ((rootp (parent node)) (com-clear) (present (parent node) 'node :stream stream))
    	  (t (com-clear) (com-tree-down (parent (parent node)))))))
    (define-tree-command com-tree-down ((node 'node))
      (when (children node) 
        (let ((stream (get-frame-pane *application-frame* 'pane-tree)))
          (dolist (child (children node)) (present child 'node :stream stream)))))
    (define-presentation-to-command-translator move-down-tree
        (node com-tree-down tree
    	  :gesture :select		;command activated with left-click on a node
    	  :menu t)			;includes this command in right-click menu
      (object) (list object))
    (define-presentation-to-command-translator move-up-tree
        (node com-tree-up tree
    	  :gesture :describe		;command activated with a middle-click on a node
    	  :menu t)			;includes this command in a right-click menu
      (object) (list object))
    (run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'tree :width 200))

    Next: Output Records