There are three mechanisms for this
Let's say you have a list of 50 million entrees and you want to select one using a menu.
(menu-choose list-of-50-million-entrees
:label "Choose an entree"
:associated-window (get-frame-pane *application-frame* 'restaurant)
:max-height 300 :max-width 100
:n-columns 1)
50 million entrees is a lot of food though, and we'll probably want to split this up into some categories.
;; nested items
`(("Mexican" :items ,(find-if #'mexican-p list-of-50-million-entrees))
("Itallian" :items ,(find-if #'itallian-p list-of-50-million-entrees))
("Other" :items ,(remove-if (lambda (entree) (or (mexican-p entree)
(itallian-p entree)))
;; keys
:label "Choose an entree"
:associated-window (get-frame-pane *application-frame* 'restaurant)
:max-height 300 :max-width 100
:n-columns 1)
(defun choose-compass-direction ()
(labels ((draw-compass-point (stream ptype symbol x y)
(with-output-as-presentation (stream symbol ptype)
(draw-text* stream (symbol-name symbol)
x y :align-x :center :align-y :center)))
(draw-compass (stream ptype)
(draw-line* stream 0 25 0 -25)
(draw-line* stream 25 0 -25 0)
(loop for point in '((n 0 -30) (s 0 30) (e 30 0) (w -30 0))
do (apply #'draw-compass-point stream ptype point))))
(with-menu (menu)
(menu-choose-from-drawer menu ; clim window to use for the menu
'clim:menu-item ; presentation type of mouse sensitive items
#'draw-compass)))) ; function that takes args (stream type)
(in-package clim-user)
(define-application-frame frame-full-name ()
((f-name :accessor f-name :initform nil)
(l-name :accessor l-name :initform nil))
;; one pane to show the name
:incremental-redisplay t
:initial-cursor-visibility nil
:redisplay-after-commands t
:display-function 'display-pane-full-name))
(default pane-full-name)))
(defmethod display-pane-full-name ((frame frame-full-name) stream)
(when (and (l-name frame) (f-name frame))
(write-string (format nil "~% ~A, ~A" (l-name frame) (f-name frame)) stream)))
(define-frame-full-name-command (get-name :menu "Get Name")
(let (f-name l-name
(stream (frame-standard-input *application-frame*)))
(accepting-values (stream :own-window t
:label "Input Values"
:initially-select-query-identifier 'selected)
(formatting-table (stream)
(formatting-column (stream)
(formatting-cell (stream)
(setq f-name (accept 'string
:prompt "First Name" :stream stream :query-identifier 'selected)))
(formatting-cell (stream)
(setq l-name (accept 'string
:prompt "Last Name" :stream stream))))))
;; This gets done if the accepting-values dialog is not canceled
(cond ((and f-name l-name)
(setf (f-name *application-frame*) f-name)
(setf (l-name *application-frame*) l-name))
(t (notify-user *application-frame* "A Field was left blank"))))
(abort () ()))))
(run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'frame-full-name :width 300))